
Mobile Experience Design

A insightful and actionable digital tool for personal health assessment, reflection, and connection to physicians, for new-to-healthcare users.

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LauncHealth is an connected healthcare system that helps users track key qualitative indicators of health over time, allowing them to follow their wellness over time, compare responses to a broad user community and connect with healthcare professionals


  • LaunchHealth Key Screens

  • Interactive Clickable Prototypes



Mobile Design, Product Design, Design Research, Prototyping


Federico Villa


8 weeks


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The Challenge

  • For young users beginning the process of managing one’s health can be stymied by a complex combination of apathy, fear and lack of knowledge.

  • Digital healthcare apps available tend to focus on specific health goals or conditions.


How might we make personal health management more habitual by making it easier to assess, communicate, and connect?


Final Product

Habituating healthcare


LauncHealth reduces the stress and apprehension of managing ones’ individual healthcare by providing weekly healthcare check-in's, monthly wellness reports, and physician search + matching. Physicians and specialists have access to their patients self-reported wellness trends, streamlining communication, easing the process of relationship building, and revealing health insights that only data over time can.

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Checking In

On a weekly basis, users will respond to a series of 20 qualitative questions crafted by a diverse set of healthcare professionals. Ranking their response to questions gauging physical wellness, emotional stress, and exercise / dietary habits, users will build up a wealth of personally reported health data.

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Wellness Reports

Once a month, Launch sends users a series of data visualizations charting their health and wellness over time and compared to the broader user community. This data visualization more fully informs the user as to the trends in their own wellness and as a comparison to others in their shared demographic. If anything changes, or negative health indicators increase, the issues can be flagged and a healthcare provider can be connected with.

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Making the Visit

With a newfound confidence in their own state of health, users can use the app to search and connect with physicians and specialists located where it is most convenient to them. Bringing young people to establish relationships with the healthcare providers, with whom a trusting relationship is so vital is the ultimate goal of the app.


Motion Studies

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User Interviews

To understand the experiences and needs of young, insured, potential users, I conducted five user interviews. From these interviews, I was able to map user experience onto a matrix of experience which visualizes consistency of and relationship to personal wellness.

Common threads of experience became apparent from the responses to questions about the regularity of preventative healthcare, habits of personal wellness, and barriers to seeking a physician.

The experience of Noah emerged as highly emblematic of consistent insights from other users. It was his experience which framed the eventual solution space.

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Competitive Analysis

To understand if other products address users’ pain points in the personal health management experience, I researched and mapped competitors on a matrix.

The connected health marketplace is saturated with apps to address specific goals and to reach a broad user base, yet there are few services aimed at the general health of young adults.


Key Insights from Research

  • Consistent: The lack of regular assessment of health leads to a negative feedback loop, further distancing users from stable healthcare habits

  • Insightful: Individual reporting needs to be followed up with meaningful content and context. Future healthcare decisions can then be made with a foundation of knowledge, not fear.

  • Actionable: Mitigating the barrier of connection with a physician or specialist is a key process for improving the longterm health of users.


Design Process

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Wireframes / User Flow

Before launching into digital designs, I first drafted low-fidelity wireframes and tested paper prototypes with users I interviewed.

The resulting user flow for provides users with a tool to regularly assess their own health compare it to their own and larger trends over time, and then connect with a physician / specialist with a foundation of knowledge.

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Iterative Visual Development

Understanding that I was designing an app to act as a runway for more informed habits of individual healthcare management, I began rapidly iterating on a variety of potential screen, typographic and interactive solutions. For every batch of drafts, I engaged peer UX designers around desk and more formal pin-up critiques.

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Usability Testing

To move towards the most usable solution, I mocked up three key screens in keynote and tested functional and aesthetic decisions. This round of ‘quick and dirty’ user testing created clear guardrails for me to design around subsequently.


Design System


Branded System

Of equal importance to the understanding of, and designing for the needs of users, is the creation of a cohesive, rigorous and beautiful visual system.

This visual system was comprised of visual inspiration, typographic choices, curated content and concise communication; all in service of a well connected system.

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Looking Forward

As this proposal moves forward in maturity, there are three areas of opportunity to be further explored:


Prototype the incorporation of badges as a means to further incentivize regular interaction

Content Expertise:

Further engage healthcare providers to develop a robust and actionable volume of qualitative questions to reveal individual and community health trends.

Additional Users:

Perhaps the most intriguing, important and exciting arena for growth of this concept is the further UX/UI design for a physicians interface.